Modern Foreign Languages
MFL Department Staff
Mr S Abel – Head of Faculty
Mr A Ridgway – Teacher of MFL
Miss N Platts – Teacher of MFL
Miss L Carter – Teacher of MFL
Learning Journey

Curriculum Journey
Year 7/Year 8
Students study a variety of topics such as Hometown, School Life and My Family so that they gain a basic understanding of vocabulary and grammar needed for the GCSE course. This is the time where we try to encourage a love of language learning and expose the students to as much culture as possible. We build on any knowledge students have gained at primary school and aim to develop their curiosity for other languages, cultures and traditions.
Year 9
The gateway year allows students the opportunity to further develop the core skills that they have acquired over the previous two years of study. In-depth work on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will be a common theme throughout the year in order to promote greater levels of achievement and linguistic competences.
The KS4 curriculum at The Boulevard Academy provides complete preparation for the new AQA GCSE specifications. It is designed to help all students achieve their potential in GCSE Spanish. The carefully-constructed scheme of work ensures that grammar is introduced in a logical order and at the right pace for learners. Concepts are revisited and gradually combined with other concepts. Certain aspects of grammar are delayed for some students until solid understanding of the key grammar is mastered and the more able students will also be exposed to more complex grammar only needed for the higher paper. All four language skills are systematically developed through the course and there is a focus on skills such as translation, understanding authentic and literary texts and spontaneous speaking. All of which ensure that students are prepared for the terminal examinations. Throughout the course a focus on cultural content and on ’learning something new’ helps to give students a sense of purpose and brings language learning to life.
The course ensures a full coverage of the three themes at GCSE level:
Theme 1: Identity and culture
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment
The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives and are weighted equally at 25% of the final grade.
AO1: Listening – understand and respond to different types of spoken language.
AO2: Speaking – communicate and interact effectively in speech.
AO3: Reading – understand and respond to different types of written language.
AO4: Writing – communicate in writing.
Home Languages
We are very proud to work in such a diverse school and as such ensure that students who speak another language at home, are provided with the opportunity to take a GCSE examination in that language in Y11 (where applicable). The languages we have offered in the past have included; Polish, Italian, Arabic, Russian and Urdu.
There is so much more to a careers in languages than just being a translator or a teacher. Take a look at the departure board to see where languages could take your career!

Useful website links
YouTube (vloggers/music/online lessons)
Netflix (students can search Spanish/French language into the search bar of Netflix)
Spotify (Listen to Spanish/French music or Spanish/French podcasts)
What’s on the bookshelf?
Did you know that you can read some of your favourite books in Spanish? You can find both of these books in the Library!