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Art and Photography

Art and Photography Staff

Miss A de Bokx – Head of Department

Miss M Oswald – Teacher of Art

Ms S Dennis – Teacher of Textiles


Learning Journey

Art and Photography Learning Journey KS3

Art-and-Photography Learning Journey

Art Learning Journey KS4

Art - Learning Journey KS4

Photography Learning Journey KS4

Photography - Learning Journey KS4

Curriculum Journey


Year 7 and Year 8

Within year 7, 8 and 9 photography and Art are run on a rota of half a year each. Projects in art are aimed at establishing and expanding 3 main practical skills, drawing, painting, and mixed media, along with theoretical colour theory knowledge. Throughout year 8, projects have a clear progression of pupils’ skills, recapping drawing, painting and mixed media to allow for mastery, along with theoretical knowledge, and introducing printing and building. In photography, projects are aimed at establishing key technical skills needed around using a camera and photography equipment (lighting, tripod, backdrops, software and colour filters) in order for students to succeed at GCSE level.


Within KS3, projects are designed to allow students to develop imagination, creativity and independence, whilst generating personal responses. Students learn to be independent enquirers by analysing their own and others work, assisting each other with problem solving, and sharing ideas for experimentation from the start of year 7 in order to establish this as common practice, and essential skills in art and design. This is interlinked with the school core values (resilience, empathy, self-awareness, passion, engagement, communication and teamwork).


Year 9 – the Gateway Year

Year 9 is the gateway year. In art pupils recap the key skills learnt through Key Stage 3 (drawing, painting, photography, printing, mixed media) in three extended projects (with a starting point of an artist or reference and an outcome) lasting until they choose their options, in order to prepare them for GCSE art and design. In photography, projects enable students to analyse in depth, think critically and produce a personal response to a topic



After opting for the subject, projects undertaken by pupils become more personal and extended. Students are able to make personal choices with materials, techniques and artists or photographers. In art, we look at a vast range of artistic styles and movements throughout art history, as well as a large variety of artists, designers, and photographers. In photography, we look at a vast range of photography styles, techniques and careers. This is aimed at enabling students to find their passion and strengths in art and design, alongside promoting independence, creativity and confidence in self-reflection. Collaboration and sharing of ideas is promoted through frequent peer and self-assessment.


Throughout KS4, students are stretched and challenged in order to develop independent practitioners in art and design. This ensures that students, in year 11, are able to work independently on individualised projects with successful and personal responses and outcomes.


Exam Board

At Key Stage four, the exam board we use is AQA, and your options of study are Fine Art or Photography. The courses are split into two components, as seen below:

Art table

They are marked out of four assessment objectives:

AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.


SMSC in Art & Photography


Careers/Further Study Options

Studying Art and Design gives you many opportunities for further study. There are many relevant courses that you can take at college or university. For example –

  • Set Design

  • Fine Art

  • Animation

  • Special makeup effects

  • Architect

These courses can lead to a large variety of careers in the creative arts. Below are just a few examples!

Art Careers in Art and Design

Useful Links

Student Art Guide 

Tate Museum KS4

Tate Museum KS3

Bitesize GCSE art and design

Bitesize GCSE photography


What’s on the bookshelf?

This is what we’re reading at the moment! You can find it in the library!

Art Splat Book
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