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القيادة الطلابية

Boulevard_Academy Student Entrance

صوت الطالب

يعد امتلاك صوت ومشاركته بالطريقة الصحيحة جزءًا أساسيًا من الحياة المدرسية. لدينا مجلس الشيوخ لكل منزل من منازلنا. يناقشون القضايا المدرسية ذات الصلة التي أثيرت من الجسم الطلابي ويقترحون الحلول المناسبة. لدينا حاليًا عضوان في برلمان هال الشبابي وأول عمدة شباب على الإطلاق يحضر مجموعة موردي المواد النووية.

القيادة الطلابية

الثقة واحترام الذات من الصفات الأساسية التي نريد أن نرى طلابنا يغادرون المدرسة بها. نقدم أكثر من 20 منصبًا قياديًا مختلفًا داخل المدرسة ولدينا ما يزيد عن 300 طالب يعملون ضمن هذه الأدوار ؛ تزويد المدرسة بالسعة التي تشتد الحاجة إليها عند إقامة الأحداث أو قدوم الزوار إلى المدرسة.

كتيب القيادة الطلابية 2021-2022

CYPMH parents and carer

Mental Health

Our mental health is just like our physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it.

  • WHO TO CALL: Humber Young Peoples Urgent Mental Health 24/7 Helpline – call 01482 301701, press option 2. This helpline offers mental health support and advice for young people up to the age of 18 years in urgent need of help.  It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The service is also available for family members, carers and professionals who are concerned about a young person. You will speak to Call Handlers who are experienced in talking to young people and adults in distress and provide guidance to help you manage the situation and your feelings.  They  have information on all the health, social and voluntary services available to support you. They will refer to these services or make an appointment if this is needed. They may also decide you need a crisis response from our CAMHS Crisis Team.  If this is the case the CAMHS Crisis Team will contact you to agree what support you need which could include a visit to your home from one of our CAMHS Crisis Clinicians.

  • MIND support with downloadable resources- When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information – about a condition, treatment options, or practical issues – is vital. Click in the link below to find out more.

  • APPS: There is an abundance of mental health apps available for you to download and utilise. Our pastoral team recommend CalmHeadspace, and Calm Harm. The NHS has also provided a full list of mental health apps which you can access here. Please be aware that while most of these apps are free to use, some do cost to use or have in-app purchasing. Please check with the bill payer before purchasing.

  • BLOGS: Mental health blogs offer support, ideas and encouragement for those that are struggling with anxiety surrounding coronavirus or managing their mental health at home. Young Minds offers a variety of blogs on various topics based on young people’s mental health. Explore more here.

  • ON MY MIND: On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health & wellbeing. These pages have been co-produced by young people to help other young people.

Social Support

Staying connected and having a supportive community around you is key to managing your mental health. We recommend the following social support sites for young people:

  • ChildLine: a free, confidential service which is available any time, day or night. You can get in touch with Childline:
    -by calling 0800 1111
    -by email
    -through 1-2-1 counsellor chat online

  • Young Minds text line – Provides free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis.  Text YM to 85258.


  • Child Bereavement: Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They support children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement, and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. They have a dedicated area on their site which brings together relevant guidance and information to help support young people during this challenging time.

  • Winston’s Wish: Winston’s Wish supports bereaved children, young people, their families, and the professionals who support them. They have information, advice and guidance on supporting bereaved children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak, and updated services and opening times.

  • Hope Again: Hope Again is Cruse Bereavement Care’s website for young people. Cruse is a national charity that provides support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone close to them dies. They also work to enhance society’s care of bereaved people. Their advice for parents and guardians — outlining practical ways to support your child/young person after the death of a loved one — is especially relevant at this time.

  • Grief Encounter: Grief Encounter is one of the UK’s leading bereaved child charities, providing free, pioneering services and support to bereaved children, young people and their families. During this challenging period, they will be updating their advice regularly, and using their social media channels to offer additional support with counsellor-led activity suggestions to help parents and carers support their children at home.


  • Cornerhouse: We work with young people in Hull around sexual health and emotional well-being. Find LGBTQ+ support groups, including Step Out Group, Trans Youth Hull, Shout and Lollipop. Click the link for meeting times and locations.

  • The Proud Trust: The Proud Trust provide resources for LGBTQ+ young people including helpful information on coming out, religion and faith, and staying safe. They also share stories and experiences from other LGBTQ+ people.

  • Stonewall: Our Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS) Champions programme helps local authorities and children and young people’s organisations put LGBTQ+ inclusion at the heart of their services to support children and young people.

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بيانات المتصل:

مدرسة نيولاند للبنات ، طريق كوتينجهام ، كينجستون أبون هال ، إنجلترا HU6 7RU


الاستفسارات الأولية من الآباء وأفراد الجمهور ستكون الآنسة إتش إدواردز ، بنسلفانيا إلى مدير المدرسة.

هاتف: 01482 - 343098 فاكس: 441416 - 01482 بريد الكتروني:


مدير المدرسة: فيكي كالاهان

TBA Trained in Wellbeing
TBA Trained in Communication
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