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Building shot of the front of The Boulevard Academy


To view careers policy please click here

Careers is an integral part of preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. The process of personal and social development begins at home and continues through school into adult life. Careers can help prepare for the transitions and decisions affecting young peoples’ future education, training and life as adult members of society.

Therefore, our students will leave The Boulevard Academy well equipped with the ‘life skills’ that they will need to be successful in whatever pathway they choose. We have developed a programme, which all pupils will participate in order to raise aspirations.

Our Vision is:

It is part of the vision of The Boulevard Academy that all learners have a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers, sustain employment and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

Students will understand the knowledge, skills and attributes required for employability and have high career aspirations.

Hull Careers Hub

We are one of 35 Hull & East Yorkshire schools/colleges that make up the Hull & East Yorkshire Careers Hub. The Careers Hub was launched in September 2018 by the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (Humber LEP) and the Careers & Enterprise Company, a central government funded organisation that works with schools nationally to promote a network between education and employers as well as support for careers education in schools. We were part of the original Hub formed in 2018 and remain in the new Hub from September 2021.

Contact the Careers Team

Mrs F Marshall – Careers Lead

Mrs E Hamer – Leadership Link

Mrs S Lobar – Careers Advisor

Contact us: 01482 217898


Work with us

The Boulevard Academy proudly partners with a number of local employers and organisations to help ensure our students receive the very best information regarding their future careers, such as:

Careers Northern Grid Logo

If you’d like to support us in delivering outstanding career provision to our students, please contact us on 01482 217898.

The Boulevard Academy Logo White

بيانات المتصل:

مدرسة نيولاند للبنات ، طريق كوتينجهام ، كينجستون أبون هال ، إنجلترا HU6 7RU


الاستفسارات الأولية من الآباء وأفراد الجمهور ستكون الآنسة إتش إدواردز ، بنسلفانيا إلى مدير المدرسة.

هاتف: 01482 - 343098 فاكس: 441416 - 01482 بريد الكتروني:


مدير المدرسة: فيكي كالاهان

TBA Trained in Wellbeing
TBA Trained in Communication
Thrive Logo White
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