أجر الوالدين
What is My Ed?
My Ed is a free mobile app providing parents and carers with a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school.
It provides parents and carers direct access to their child’s:
absence records
behaviour and more.
My Ed users receive instant notifications when there is a new message and they can respond back. There is no charge for the messages sent to and from My Ed.

في مدرسة نيولاند للبنات ، نستخدم نظام دفع غير نقدي يسمى "ParentPay". عندما تنضم ابنتك إلى المدرسة ، سيتم إصدار تفاصيل تسجيل الدخول إليها لتمكينك من دفع تكاليف وجبات العشاء المدرسية والرحلات وأسعار السفر ودروس الموسيقى وما إلى ذلك. لإجراء الدفع عبر الإنترنت ؛ يمكنهم أيضًا إيداع الأموال باستخدام "ماكينات الصراف الآلي" الموجودة حول مباني المدرسة والتي تقبل العملات المعدنية والأوراق النقدية. يمكن دفع أي أموال إلى حساب ابنتك باستخدام مدفوعات الوالدين والاحتفاظ بها داخل النظام. للحصول على معلومات ، يوجد "حد إنفاق" يومي مبرمج في النظام بقيمة 3.00 جنيهات إسترلينية ، ويمكن زيادته أو إنقاصه لطالب فردي عن طريق تقديم طلب كتابي إلى المسؤول المالي. في حالة فقدان بطاقة الطالب هناك رسوم قدرها 2 جنيه استرليني لاستبدالها
للوصول إلى موقع ويب ParentPay ، الرجاء النقر فوق الارتباط أدناه ؛
It is vital that parents keep their contact details up to date with school. If the details do not match between our SIMS system and the details provided on the app, parents will lose access to messages from the school and no longer see additional information on the My Students Tab.
If more than one parent would like to receive communications from the school, please contact the school office to request being made an additional Priority 1 contact. We will need confirmation from the original Priority 1 contact to approve this. Once approved, both parents will receive messages and see information on the My Students Tab.
For any parent that does not have the app, or if they do not have internet access at the time of a message being sent, they will receive a SMS text message instead.
For our EAL students, the My Ed system allows for translation of messages into 40 different languages.
How will I receive letters from school?
We are now a paper-less school. This means that all our letters are sent digitally. Parents will be sent a message with a link that takes them to a webpage with a list of year groups. Select your child’s year group to view all letters sent to that year group. All letters are uploaded to the school website under the Letters tab as well as on the Letters Home tab on the app for parents to go back to and review at any time.
If you require a paper copy for any reason, please contact the school for a printed version.
How will I receive my child’s school report?
School reports will also be sent digitally. In the same way as letters, reports are sent via a link in a message and can also be located to view again under the My Students tab.
How do I download the app?
Go to the app store on your phone or tablet.
Search My Ed.
Click download.
Open the app.
Search for The Boulevard Academy and select it when it pops up.
It will ask for your details – PLEASE INPUT PARENT DETAILS NOT CHILD. Please make sure you use the same contact number that you have given school.
A validation code will be sent as a text to the phone number you inputted. Type the code when asked for it on the app.
All done.
My Ed pulls new data from our SIMS system every night at midnight so please allow till the next day for details to appear on the My Students Tab. If it remains blank please contact the school and we will look into what is preventing you having full access.
How else does The Boulevard Academy communicate with parents?