Tikime, kad efektyvus profesinis orientavimas prisideda prie siekių kėlimo, motyvacijos gerinimo ir sėkmės kliūčių įveikimo. Newland School for Girls yra įsipareigojusi teikti aukštos kokybės CEIAG, kuri suteikia mokiniams galimybę priimti pagrįstus karjeros sprendimus. Mūsų tikslas – suteikti savo mokiniams įgūdžių, reikalingų prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintančio ekonominio klimato, įkvėpti juos mokytis visą gyvenimą trunkančios karjeros. Tai pasiekiama per išsamią veiklos programą, kuri apima 7–11 metus ir vėliau, ir yra pagrįsta nacionaliniu mastu pripažintais Gatsby etalonais.
Karjeros programa
Niulando karjeros programa 2020–2021 m
Mūsų karjeros programa susideda iš; mokykloje vykdoma veikla, kurią veda vidinis personalas, renginiai, kuriuose dalyvauja išorės partneriai (pvz., kolegijos, absolventai, mokymo teikėjai, darbdaviai ir universitetai) ir išorės vizitai. Dėl susiklosčiusių aplinkybių, susijusių su Covid-19 pandemija, deja, teko atidėti kai kurias rudens kadencijai planuotas veiklas (raudona). Kai kurios rudens semestrą planuojamos veiklos, tokios kaip karjeros asamblėjos ir atviri renginiai, esant galimybei, perkeltos į virtualius renginius, šiuo metu peržiūrimos panašios pavasario semestro veiklos ir, kur įmanoma, kuriame virtualias alternatyvas (gintaras). Vidaus darbuotojų vadovaujama veikla gali vykti taip, kaip planuota, tai taip pat galioja susitikimų vienas su vienu atveju, kurie vyksta virtualiai (žaliai).
Mes ir toliau stebėsime nuolat besikeičiančią situaciją ir atitinkamai taisysime savo nuostatą arčiau pavasario/vasaros sąlygų.
Dėl planavimo ir organizavimo lygio, reikalingo sėkmingai darbo patirties programai įgyvendinti, abejojame, ar galėsime tęsti darbo patirtį vasaros laikotarpiu, todėl ieškome virtualių alternatyvų, kurias galėtume pristatyti pavasarį.
Karjeros komanda
Pasitikėjimo karjeros lyderis
Ponia Erica Hood
El. paštas: karjeras@thrivetrust.uk
Tel.: 01482 342229
Ponas B Ashas: Mokinių įtraukimo direktorius – ashb@thrivetrust.uk
L. Tetheris: su gubernatoriumi susijusi karjera
Karjeros pristatymai
Careers Advice
How to become
How to become gives you the opportunity to look into different career paths, showing what is involved, salary, and how to get started!
icould.com uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices.
Find the links between school subjects and jobs, investigate opportunities you may not have known about before, and learn what is possible in the world of work.
Take their personality quiz and find out what careers may suit you?
Careersbox is the national careers film library, a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing real jobs.
Jooble gathers vacancies from all around the web and shares them in one place.
There are a lot of part-time jobs or jobs with no experience needed, so it is a great source for students to look for their first jobs or simply explore what is on offer.
Learn Live
Learn Live partners with well known companies to offer advice on writing CVs, interview tips, and opportunities. Take advantage of their Live Chat feature to get your questions answered!
BBC Bitesize Careers
BBC Bitesize Careers explain the world of work with advice from people who have found the right path for them.
Find tips and advice on CVs, interviews, as well as explore the types of jobs available, what subjects can lead to what jobs and much more.
Telegraph Careers Advice
Advice on careers, help improving CV for better job opportunities, the Telegraph can provide guidance during your job search, with expert help and the latest job and career news in the market.
National Careers Service
Explore careers, learn more about your skills, find courses or find help getting a job!
Search by career to find out what you need to get in to that profession.
LMI Humber
Local data regarding jobs and skills.
Employment and Labour Market
Data on jobs in your local area and beyond.
Careers and Enterprise Company
Uncertainty caused by COVID19 will undoubtedly cause anxiety amongst many young people in the job market. Chris Jones, Managing Director of Think Specialist Recruitment discusses what young people might expect and how graduates and school leavers can make their mark with employers.
Post 18 – University and Job Applications
Not Going to Uni
Don’t fancy university? Take a look at lots of other options available to you!
Take a look at your options regarding university and other courses.
Find your perfect job, check out university courses and more.
Apply for jobs.
Humber Outreach Programme at Hull College Group are offering to support you impartially:
with information that may help with decision making and future progression–
to raise aspirations and appreciate your potential
signpost you to other sources of support and information (where appropriate)
The types of support you may want to consider:
courses and progression routes
industry insights
preparation for change, such as transition into FE
For more information, challenges and more, keep checking back on the new Humber Outreach Programme page.
Youth Card