Wierzymy, że skuteczne poradnictwo zawodowe przyczynia się do podnoszenia aspiracji, poprawy motywacji i pokonywania barier sukcesu. Newland School for Girls jest zaangażowana w dostarczanie wysokiej jakości CEIAG, która umożliwia uczniom podejmowanie świadomych decyzji zawodowych. Naszym celem jest wyposażenie naszych uczniów w umiejętności niezbędne do przystosowania się do stale zmieniającego się klimatu ekonomicznego, inspirując ich do uczenia się przez całe życie. Osiąga się to dzięki wszechstronnemu programowi działań, który obejmuje lata od 7 do 11 i dalej, i opiera się na uznanych w całym kraju wzorcach Gatsby Benchmarks.
Program Karier
Newland Careers Program 2020-2021
Nasz program kariery składa się z; działania w szkołach prowadzone przez personel wewnętrzny, wydarzenia z udziałem partnerów zewnętrznych (takich jak uczelnie, absolwenci, organizatorzy szkoleń, pracodawcy i uniwersytety) oraz wizyty zewnętrzne. Ze względu na obecne okoliczności związane z pandemią Covid-19 musieliśmy niestety przełożyć niektóre z naszych planowanych działań na semestr jesienny (czerwony). Niektóre działania, takie jak zgromadzenia karier i otwarte wydarzenia zaplanowane na semestr jesienny, zostały tam, gdzie to możliwe, przeniesione do wydarzeń wirtualnych, podobnie zaplanowane działania na semestr wiosenny są obecnie analizowane i tam, gdzie to możliwe, rozwijamy wirtualne alternatywy (bursztyn). Działania prowadzone przez personel wewnętrzny mogą przebiegać zgodnie z planem, dotyczy to również indywidualnych spotkań doradczych, które odbywają się wirtualnie (zielone).
Będziemy nadal monitorować stale zmieniającą się sytuację i odpowiednio zmieniać nasze postanowienie bliżej warunków wiosenno-letnich.
Ze względu na poziom planowania i organizacji wymagany do zapewnienia udanego programu praktyk zawodowych, mamy wątpliwości, czy będziemy w stanie kontynuować praktykę zawodową w semestrze letnim, dlatego szukamy wirtualnych alternatyw, które zostaną dostarczone na wiosnę.
Zespół Karier
Zaufaj Liderowi Karier
Pani Erica Hood
E-mail: kariera@thrivetrust.pl
Tel: 01482 342229
Pan B. Ash: Dyrektor ds. Zaangażowania Uczniów – ashb@thrivetrust.uk
Pan L Tether: Kariera związana z gubernatorem
Prezentacje kariery
Take a look at the careers on offer in the Humber region: Shape Your Future – Humber
Find out more about the different sectors in the Humber region by clicking on the drop down menus below!
Business & Retail
Business services are about the administration and other activities for making the exchange of products and services possible. Retail is the sale of goods in shops and online.
Click here for more information on this sector.
The chemical industry comprises the companies that produce industrial chemicals. Central to the modern world economy, it converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metal, fibers, paints, pharmaceutical ingredients, and minerals) into more than 70,000 different products.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Construction is the process of creating and building infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and railways or a facility such as a home, hospital, or school. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing and continues until the project is built and ready for use. Normally, the job is managed by a project manager, and supervised by a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer, or project architect. Craft tradespeople such as bricklayers and joiners are essential to the construction sector.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Creative & Digital
Creative and digital industries and about the creation and development of products and ideas. They include industries such as computer game design, animation, social media, film and TV, graphic design and advertising, music performing arts, libraries, and visual arts.
Click here for more information on this sector.
The Energy Sector relates to the production and supply of energy. Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and waves. Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas, electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy services.
The Energy Sector is very closely linked with engineering, manufacturing, and ports and logistics sectors.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Engineering is the application of scientific, social, and practical knowledge in order to invent, design, build, maintain, research, and improve structures, machines, devices, systems, materials, and processes.
The discipline of engineering is extremely broad and encompasses a range of more specialised fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied science, technology, and types of application.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Food & Agriculture
The food and agriculture sector involves the cultivation of animals, plants, and other life forms to enable us to manufacture food and drink. Think livestock – dairy cows, cattle for beef, sheep for wool and lamb, pigs and poultry. Think crops – wheat, oats, peas, oilseed rape, and grass for your livestock.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Health & Social Care
Health care is about the treatment and support of medical conditions in hospitals, health centres, and in the community. It includes Dentists and Opticians. Social care is about the care and support of people within the community.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Manufacturing is the production of goods from the beginnings as raw materials to after-sales services. Manufacturing today is usually high-tech production on a large scale. Most manufacturing processes are automated to ensure products meet quality standards and can be produced in large volumes to meet demand. Advanced manufacturing involves the use of technology to improve products and processes.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Ports & Logistics
Ports have, throughout history, been a place where goods and people arrive or leave the country by sea. Logistics is the management, movement & storage of products. It is about getting the right product to the right place, at the right time. It is also about the movement of people by road, rail, sea and air. It includes postal and courier services. Large companies such as supermarkets run their own logistics while other companies outsource all their logistics to specialist companies.
Click here for more information on this sector.
Public Sector
Public sector organisations provide a service for everyone: for example education (schools) and security and safety (police and armed forces). These services are paid for via taxation.
(Please note NHS and other health care services are covered with the Health & Social Care sector factsheet).
Click here for more information on this sector.
Visitor Economy
This sector covers events food and service management, gambling, hospitality services, hotels, pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, self catering accommodation, holiday parks and hostels, tourist services and visitor attractions. Good people skills are essential for most jobs as most roles involve dealing with customers on a daily basis.
Click here for more information on this sector.