Roja Dibistanê
Demjimêrên roja dibistanê wiha ne:
Dibistan di saet 08.45an de dest pê dike û di saet 15.05an de diqede. Tê payîn ku keç saet 08.40’an de li cîh û dersa xwe bin. Trafîk di vê demê de li dora Cottingham Road û Inglemire Lane dikare pir mijûl be. Ger hûn keça xwe berdidin, ji kerema xwe wextê têr bihêlin da ku pê ewle bibin ku ew berî 8.40 sibê li dibistanê ye.
Em hêvî dikin ku her roj hemî keçan li dibistanê û di wextê xwe de bibînin!
Wellbeing, Communication and Engagement Autumn 1
This term we asked you:
1. Do you think your child’s wellbeing is supported at school, either through their tutor or the wellbeing team?
2. Do you think your child needs wellbeing support?
3. Does your child feel safe at school?
4. Are you aware emotional wellbeing units are taught through the PSHE or tutor period curriculums?
5. Do you know who your child’s Head of Year is if you have any concerns?
Read the full Parent Voice Report here: Parent Voice AUT1 Report
Here is what you had to say: